Kubernetes bundle on CentOS7.7

In the Extras repository there is a kubernetes rpm bundle

[root@vm89 ~]# yum info kubernetes --enablerepo=man-CentOS-Extras
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, priorities, protectbase, releasemods
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
233 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Installed Packages
Name        : kubernetes
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 1.5.2
Release     : 0.7.git269f928.el7
Size        : 0.0  
Repo        : installed
From repo   : man-CentOS-Extras
Summary     : Container cluster management
URL         : k8s.io/kubernetes
Licence     : ASL 2.0
Description : Container cluster management

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                 Arch    Version                                Repository           Size
 kubernetes                              x86_64  1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7               man-CentOS-Extras    36 k
Installing for dependencies:
 atomic-registries                       x86_64  1:1.22.1-29.gitb507039.el7             man-CentOS-Extras    35 k
 audit-libs-python                       x86_64  2.8.5-4.el7                            man-CentOS-Base      76 k
 checkpolicy                             x86_64  2.5-8.el7                              man-CentOS-Base     295 k
 conntrack-tools                         x86_64  1.4.4-5.el7_7.2                        man-CentOS-Updates  187 k
 container-selinux                       noarch  2:2.107-3.el7                          man-CentOS-Extras    39 k
 container-storage-setup                 noarch  0.11.0-2.git5eaf76c.el7                man-CentOS-Extras    35 k
 containers-common                       x86_64  1:0.1.37-3.el7.centos                  man-CentOS-Extras    21 k
 docker                                  x86_64  2:1.13.1-108.git4ef4b30.el7.centos     man-CentOS-Extras    18 M
 docker-client                           x86_64  2:1.13.1-108.git4ef4b30.el7.centos     man-CentOS-Extras   3.9 M
 docker-common                           x86_64  2:1.13.1-108.git4ef4b30.el7.centos     man-CentOS-Extras    98 k
 kubernetes-client                       x86_64  1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7               man-CentOS-Extras    14 M
 kubernetes-master                       x86_64  1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7               man-CentOS-Extras    25 M
 kubernetes-node                         x86_64  1.5.2-0.7.git269f928.el7               man-CentOS-Extras    14 M
 libcgroup                               x86_64  0.41-21.el7                            man-CentOS-Base      66 k
 libnetfilter_cthelper                   x86_64  1.0.0-4.el7                            man-epel             18 k
 libnetfilter_cttimeout                  x86_64  1.0.0-2.el7                            man-epel             18 k
 libnetfilter_queue                      x86_64  1.0.2-2.el7_2                          man-CentOS-Base      23 k
 libsemanage-python                      x86_64  2.5-14.el7                             man-CentOS-Base     113 k
 oci-register-machine                    x86_64  1:0-6.git2b44233.el7                   man-CentOS-Extras   1.1 M
 oci-systemd-hook                        x86_64  1:0.2.0-1.git05e6923.el7_6             man-CentOS-Extras    34 k
 oci-umount                              x86_64  2:2.5-3.el7                            man-CentOS-Extras    33 k
 policycoreutils-python                  x86_64  2.5-33.el7                             man-CentOS-Base     457 k
 python-IPy                              noarch  0.75-6.el7                             man-CentOS-Base      32 k
 python-backports                        x86_64  1.0-8.el7                              man-CentOS-Base     5.8 k
 python-backports-ssl_match_hostname     noarch                          man-CentOS-Base      13 k
 python-ipaddress                        noarch  1.0.16-2.el7                           man-CentOS-Base      34 k
 python-pytoml                           noarch  0.1.14-1.git7dea353.el7                man-CentOS-Extras    18 k
 python-setuptools                       noarch  0.9.8-7.el7                            man-CentOS-Base     397 k
 setools-libs                            x86_64  3.3.8-4.el7                            man-CentOS-Base     620 k
 socat                                   x86_64                          man-CentOS-Base     290 k
 subscription-manager-rhsm-certificates  x86_64  1.24.13-3.el7.centos                   man-CentOS-Updates  228 k

it will make it easier to explore bare metal installation in our environment.

Just want to note that Kubernetes 1.5 is quite old (late 2016/early 2017) so it may be a missing a few things people would expect. It looks like this version may be used by OpenShift and otherwise maintained by RH?

Yes, it’s not a cutting edge version, but IMO rpms, instead of putting together the whole stack manually, make it easier to start with and learn the ropes unless we already have a recipe to install from scratch.

Yes, I definitely agree that RPMs are preferred!

Some sites may be more restrictive than others, but there are RPMs produced directly from the Kubernetes project if you use “kubeadm” for installation:

These will have the latest binaries.


cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
gpgkey=https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg

# Set SELinux in permissive mode (effectively disabling it)
setenforce 0
sed -i 's/^SELINUX=enforcing$/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config

yum install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl --disableexcludes=kubernetes

systemctl enable --now kubelet

For SLATE we also documented a “from scratch to single node Kubernetes cluster” guide here: https://slateci.io/docs/cluster/index.html - You can stop after the “SLATE Master” section if you just want a mostly vanilla Kubernetes, and skip over the SLATE-specific parts.

Hi Lincoln,

that’s great, Still more complicated than

yum iinstall -y kubernetes --enablerepo=man-CentOS-Extras


Hello all,

I had built k8s rpms for centos for specific releases (I did it for two) on the centos community build system. For example, [0]. These where tied to a minor release so yum update/distro-sync won’t make you jump from 1.x.y to 1.(x+3).y.

In the CERN cloud team we are now running everything in podman or docker/containerd including the kubelet.

If there is enough demand I can pick it up again. So let me know.

On ther other hand, an up to date podman can let you run the kubelet in a container using k8s gcr io/hyperkube:<kubernetes_release> and you can get kubeadm from [2].
For users that want high velocity this is best.


[0] kubernetes 1.9 http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/virt/x86_64/kubernetes19/
[1] kubernetes 1.10 http:// mirror centos org/centos/7/virt/x86_64/kubernetes110/
[2] curl -L --remote-name-all https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/${KUBERNETES_RELEASE}/bin/linux/amd64/{kubeadm,kubelet,kubectl}

ps Sorry, discourse doesn’t let me post more than two links.